Sunday, July 9, 2017

Dental Issues & time

Here we are 10 years after the fact, or at least close to it, and we are still finding out things that were damaged due to the accident.  Richard has had dental issues all of his life, caused mostly because of a dishonest childhood dentist, who filled cavities that weren't there, just to charge for them.  (He later admitted this, and asked for forgiveness from Rich's father.)
Recently though, the dental issues have been significantly more difficult.  I thought that there might be issues as he laid in a coma for weeks with no dental care at all.  Then his dental care was minimal for about a year since he was in a hospital bed with no way to get up and do any self-care.  They have those little sponge things in the hospital, but they really are a joke in doing any serious cleaning to teeth.  Since he has been released, he is able to care for his teeth, but that care is limited due to the dexterity that he lost in one arm and the other hand.
We have an amazing dentist in Las Vegas who has been pretty patient with the issues that Richard has had.  The last time we were in though, he told us that he one of teeth cracked front the top all the way to the root.  He thinks it is like when you get a ding in your windshield and it stays that way for awhile but one day when the weather is changing, the windshield cracks all the way across.  That is what the thinks happened with Richard's tooth.  The trauma caused the original ding, so to speak, and the crack occurred later when he bit something wrong.

I never dreamed that we could still be discovering medical problems caused by this accident almost 10 years later, but here we are.
Interestingly, accidental death and dismemberment insurance will not cover anything that happens more than a year after the accident because they conclude that if it didn't happen within the first year, it wasn't a direct result of the accident. These two things may seem unrelated, but to me, it just verifies that medical issues from the accident can and do occur more than a year later.  Sometimes they are as long as a decade later.

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