Saturday, July 22, 2017

Be kind & a new job idea

One of my frustrations, especially at the beginning was that dealing with all the medical issues, the emotions of possibly loosing your spouse, learning things about human biology that I never thought I would be interested in, moving from my home, etc, I also had to deal with nasty people at Social Security, insurance companies, and even medical professionals that are supposed to be doing good, but clearly are not.

So I guess this blogpost is for the people that work at SS, insurance companies and medical offices.  You work with people in my situation, or a situation that is similar regularly.  Be kind. Be compassionate. These people don't need the additional stress of your nasty attitude and trying to make it difficult to get what they are legally entitled to get. They should not have to go to government agencies to get insurance companies to pay. They should not have to get friends to send letters to an insurance company to get them to cover what is medically necessary. They should not have to jump through hoops for months to receive benefits that they are obviously entitiled to get.  They should not have to report a medical facility to the state for investigation.  They should not have to watch other patients leave the facility that they are stuck in, on a stretcher, knowing they could be the next victim of medical malpractice.  I am amazed at how many times a person needs to address an issue before it is done. One phone call should take care of it, but for some reason, 20 calls later you MIGHT see a resolution. When you are dealing with hundreds of issues, this is not okay.

Why do we have to be driven to the breaking point by all of these things that are put in place to make this kind of situation easier for you?  Maybe there should be a job in which someone else is paid to handle all of these things. Right now, the only ones that would be allowed to do that would be an attorney, and attorneys are too expensive to hire them for this type of thing, at least they are for us.  Maybe there should be someone called, a "crisis assistant." If there were, it would make everything so much easier. I needed a crisis assistant, and other people need one too.

Another point, we meet people daily that are going through major things in their lives.  You probably will not know that things are happening like this in their lives.  You can't tell to look at people that they are in the middle of a tragedy or a crisis, so just treat everyone as if they are one of those people.  Think how much better the world would be if everyone did that one thing.

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