Monday, July 10, 2017

Halloween & Pirates

Richard's accident was in February.  By October, he was home, at least briefly.  He was there for the Halloween parade at my work, and we lived within a mile of the school.  So, Richard came and participated in the parade.  I pushed him in a wheelchair, but it was funny because he dressed up as a pirate.  You might ask why that is funny.  He is blind in one eye, and wears an eye patch over it.  He has one hand that doesn't work and he has a hook for that.  He has a foot that doesn't work and he has a peg leg for that.  He is the PERFECT pirate!  It's like he was made to be a pirate!  So now, whenever a costume is required, he usually dresses up as a pirate, or as Santa, of course!

At Chamisa, where I worked in October of 2008.  

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