Once after a visit with the eye doctor, he told me that the doctor said that he could drive. The next time I had my appointment with the doctor, I told talked to her about that. She said legally, there was nothing stopping him from driving. I asked her if she wanted to take the liability if he did drive. Of course, the answer was no.
That is my thinking as well. I don't want the liability. Now, ten years after the fact, it is not really the physical injuries that make me not want to take that liability, but that was not the case at first. He had limited eyesight, limited movement, etc. Now it is more the PTSD while in the car than anything else. He over-reacts to things that go on around him. One of our children (I won't say which one, but if you know them, it will be obvious), likes to do things just to scare the bejeebies out of him while they are driving. They think it is funny. Sometimes it is.
Now we live in a big city, and there are lots of other issues as well. I am not going to sit here and tell you that I am a perfect driver, because I know that I am not, but over-reaction to stimuli and driving do not mix.
If I was in an accident and behind the other wheel was someone like Richard, I would ask their family what the heck they were thinking letting someone like that behind the wheel of a car. For that reason, Richard doesn't drive.
My life would be WAY easier if he did drive. Everywhere he goes, I have to take him. He has numerous doctors appointments every week. He loves to wander Walmart. He has meetings to attend that I do not have to attend. Still, I would rather drive him than accept the liability for him driving.
Once in awhile, I have something scheduled when he needs to be somewhere, and then I will ask someone if they will take him to an appointment. It is yet another way that we depend on the kindness of others. He refuses to use Uber or take a cab, but that is a money issue for him. Someday I would love to own a self-driving car so that he could take himself where we need to go. It would be nice to think that we could afford such a luxury, but in reality, we probably can't. I guess I will always be driving him where he needs to go. He will always over-react to what I do behind the wheel. That is our new reality.
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