Friday, June 23, 2017

Have some fun!

In the hard times, it is important to find joy and fun.  As soon as you can, get out and enjoy some things in life! You will feel better, build memories, and get a sense that life goes on.

In June, my dad came to visit.  I wanted to do something special with him for Father's Day so we on a hot air balloon ride.  It was awesome!  Dad is gone now, but it still makes my heart happy when I think of the fun we had that day.  (Richard was in St. John's at the time.)

My dad on the far left while we flew above Albuqeurque

In July, after we had  figured out how to get Richard in and out of the car, HealthSouth gave us a couple of day passes.  On the first one we went to the 4th of July celebration in our hometown.
See what a wonderful, supportive place I worked?  

The chance to talk to people was so great for Richard.  He was exhausted after the day (and so was I) but it was such a great day for us!  

On the second one, we went to the zoo. I cannot believe how exhausted we were when we came back to HealthSouth!

After Richard was released, but still in a wheelchair, and his parents were there, we decided to go to the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.  Perhaps we bit off more than we could chew, but it is such a beautiful event!  Parking was a nightmare there!  By the time we got him dressed, fed, and out the door, all the handicapped spaces had been claimed so we had to try and push a wheelchair through the dirt and up a large hill for quite a distance before we got to Balloon Fiesta Park. It was still worth it.  It is in October.
Michael, Richard, and his mom (Charlotte) 

In 2009, just about a year after the accident, Wendy got married.  To me, her wedding was a celebration of our family.  We made it through a very difficult year.  At the end of the reception, what did we get to see?  Wendy dancing with her father.  It was a miracle.  We were so blessed!

By 2010, although Richard was still mostly in a wheelchair, we decided to do some things that we didn't know if we would ever get to do again. We went to Hawaii. All of our kids and grandkids were supposed to come with us, but Austin was in the police academy at the time so we decided to do something with them later.  Michael, James and Wendy accompanied us to Hawaii.  We had a wonderful time.
You can see the wheelchair in the background, but for some reason, I don't think you are looking at the wheelchair!  And sea level - NO OXYGEN!!!
They had handicapped wheelchairs at Hanauma Bay!

We hiked the mountain to see this view

Michael made it too!

The newlyweds
And Richard found a cool spot in the shade to do his favorite thing, read!  

Also that year, we drove to Las Vegas and I met my college roommate there.  She and I went to a Get Together in Las Vegas. Very few things make me as happy as Donny does, and being with him for a weekend was just what I needed. I met some new friends and was just able to completely relax and enjoy something for myself. When you are a caregiver, you have to take time to do things that bring you joy.  If you don't, you will loose your sanity.  Donny hasn't had a Get-togther in a long time, but I am so grateful that he had the one in the summer of 2010. It was awesome!  (And thanks to Edie for coming with me!)

at the meet & greet                      At Hoover Dam           On the bus to Hoover Dam
after the concert

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