Monday, June 26, 2017

Everyone has something

In writing this blog, I don't want anyone to think that I think that I am the only one that has had hard things in my life.  In fact, I know that everyone has hard things in their lives.  That is actually the reason for this blog.  It is my hope that by telling my story, someone will be helped.  Maybe someone will be in a similar situation and have similar things to deal with.  Maybe someone will go through just a part of this and find what I have to say helpful.
I also want to acknowledge the hard things that you go through.  Life is hard.  It doesn't turn out the way we thought it would, or hoped it would, or planned for it to.  It is for those reasons that maybe someone will be motivated to make some responsible decisions so that their family will be protected for future events.
Once I heard from someone, "I don't know how you do it." I told them that everyone has something, and they said to me, "I don't."  What I wanted to say was, "Watch out!  It's coming!"
Making good decisions does helps to protect us from things happening in our lives, or makes them more bearable, but things still happen that are beyond our control.
The Boy Scout Motto of "Be Prepared" certainly helps, but things still happen and you never know the day that they will happen.
When life gets hard, that's when our true character is seen.  Sometimes I've done okay, and sometimes I haven't, but I have never given up, and that is all it takes.

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