Monday, January 12, 2015

Miracles happen everyday

I have been fortunate to have experienced some miracles in my life.  Some of the most blatant were medical miracles, but really I have seen miracles of every kind.
After my husband's accident, one of my former co-workers was at a policital rally with a lot of people.  She fell and hit her head and suffered a brain injury.  My husband was still going to the doctor at the same hospital that we was life flighted to, so I decided to go and see her.  She was a shadow of what she had once been.  It was hard to see.  This woman was one of the most intelligent women I have ever known.  She was the librarian at the elementary school that I taught at.  Before I taught there, my children went there.  My daughter came home one day and told me that Mrs. Campbell (not her real name) knew everything.  I told her that no one knows everything.  Then I met her.  If she didn't know it, she would find it out.  She was incredible!  It broke my heart to see her in the condition she was when I visited her in the hospital.  I thought that she would never improve much and that she was destined for a life of confinement. Brain injuries are forever. Still, I told her: Miracles happen everyday.  Well, in her case, they did!  Mrs. Campbell may not be her full capacity, but if that were the case, only she would know it!  She is a walking miracle.
Miracles do happen everyday.  Teenagers grow up to regret what they do when they are teenagers.  Babies are conceived that biologically are impossible.  Babies are matched with adoptive parents that have been anxiously waiting for them.  Bodies are healed. Old friends and/or loves are reunited.  Hearts are mended.  Love endures.  Are these things not all miracles?
No matter what you are going through in your life, believe in miracles.  I have seen them happen over and over again and because of what I have seen, I can verify that they happen everyday!

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