Saturday, January 10, 2015

Blowing leaves

Today I had an extra hour, which is a rare thing.  I have been looking at all the leaves in my rocks for months.  I decided to go and blow the leaves out of my rocks.  I didn't make that decision because I like blowing leaves.  I didn't make that decision because I had an hour to kill.  I made it because it was a good use of my hour since I wanted a cleaner yard.

While I was out there, a friend texted me and asked me if I was hiring a mutual friend to detail my car. He has a new business.  I had to explain to my friend that we don't hire people to do what we can do ourselves.

I started to think about that.  I would love to have someone clean my house, detail my cars, cook my meals, clean up the dog poop on my artificial grass, etc. but the fact is that I can do those things myself.  When I spend my money, I spend it on things or services that I cannot do myself.

I honestly don't enjoy doing them.  I would rather be doing other things, but I have to consider that my husband is disabled and doesn't do any of those things anymore.  I also have to consider that I am living on a disability and I can't spend money frivilously.  Perhaps I should also add that we are debt-free.  No, really - we are.  No mortgage.  No car payments, no credit card debt. Maybe that's because we do things for ourselves rather than paying someone else to do them.

I don't honestly know why I am supposed to be writing this post today, but perhaps someone out there needs it.  If it was you, You're welcome.  🌻

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