Saturday, January 31, 2015


I am disappointed. Years ago I worked with some women that I am now friends with on facebook.  Facebook is an interesting thing. You see parts of people that you never would have seen otherwise. Such is the case with these women. They went to see the Book of Mormon play. They loved it - thought it was hilarious. What are you supposed to do when someone seeing something that trashes something that is so much a part of you, something that is so deeply personal? Well, I did what I had to do. I stood up for my religion. It actually reminds me of the scripture in Matthew 7:6 "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you." Is the blunt enough? They have defiled that which I hold sacred. I would never do that to them, and yet they post proudly on facebook that they think it's funny to say "F.. you God" and shoving the Book of Mormon up someones' anus. Since when in our culture is that funny? 
I told them that I was disappointed. I am. One of them is a child psychologist. That is ironic to me. A child psychologist thinks it is okay for people to call such a show "entertainment." These are the same people who get upset if you say something about another race in a bad light. We wouldn't want to hurt their feelings. But it's okay to trample my beliefs in such an irreverant manner. Then it's funny. 

If we live in a society where this is what we use as entertainment, I want no part of that society. I would never in a million years say that kind of thing about about another person's religion.  Why is it okay to say it about mine? Why is it okay to use the F word in the same sentence with my Heavenly Father? Why is that EVER okay? 

Muslims kill people who say that kind of thing about their God. We don't, so it is okay. BULL! I don't know where the respect for each other and common courtesy went in our society, but when my own facebook friends think that insulting my religion is entertainment,  I need to look at who I call my friends.  

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