Thursday, June 8, 2017

Finding the car

Right after the accident, my children wanted to see the car.  The police refused.  They said that it would be traumatic for them to see it.

After State Farm settled with us on what it was worth, they owned the car, and they sold it to a auto salvage. When Richard was alert enough to know what was going on, he knew that he would need his badge from work, and it had not been returned to us. We heard from LANL requesting the badge. We talked to the police and they said it was not there.  We talked to State Farm and they said it was not there.  Richard said that it had to be there because it was in the car, and it had not been returned to us.

When he had access to a phone, he started calling people to find the car. One thing I can tell you about Richard is that he is tenacious.  If he wants to find it, he will.  He finally did find it and asked if we could come by and look in the car for his badge.  They said that they would check for him.  They called back and said that it was not in the car.  Richard asked if he could come and look for himself.  They agreed.  They did explain that the car had been stripped of most of it's sellable parts. When we arrived there, Richard was walking with a quad-cane and really shouldn't have been in an area with such uneven ground. They brought the car, which was way in the back of the property, to the front.  Richard got into that car - and guess what?  He found his badge! There was a shoe in there too!  Here are some pictures of the day:

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