Saturday, October 28, 2017

Life is easier if you obey the rules

Life is easier if you obey the rules.  This is something that I said to my children more than once.  What do I mean?  Well, I will elaborate.

Rule #1 - Obey the law.  If you obey the law, you won't end up with a criminal record. Criminal records, even for minor crimes can ruin your chances at getting the job that you want.

Rule #2 - Go to school, and do well there.  This doesn't necessarily mean to graduate from college, but it definately means to graduate from high school and get some training in a career of your choice. You can learn a trade, get a degree, or even do a apprenticeship under someone that you admire, but find something that you love and do it well. This will make work enjoyable for you rather than an obligation that you have to perform. I've had both kinds of jobs as an adult, and having one you love makes life way easier than having to go to a job that you do not enjoy.

Rule #3 - Have morals and live by them. Many people say that they have morals, but they don't live by them. Write them down.  Be accountable to someone else for your values. If you don't, you won't keep them.  Make up your mind before you get in a situation what you will do when you get there.  Act it out.  Be prepared.  Someone will ask you to leave your morals behind, but if you are prepared, it will make it easier to walk away from the situation and stay away in the future. Be true to yourself.

Rule #4 - Be the kind of person you want to spend your life with.  Then when they come along, you will be ready and they will see in you the same things you see in them.

Rule #5 - Don't spend more than you earn, and don't spend all you earn. This one was one that I learned the hard way.  I felt we needed new cars, when we just needed reliable ones. If I were to do it again, I would not have car payments.  I would save and pay cash for the car I wanted, even if it was new.  The last few cars we have purchased were paid with by cash.  What a different feeling when driving out of the dealership than doing so with payments, especially a year later or five years later! I could go on and on about finances.  I think that I will have to make that a post of it's own.

Rule #6 - Children deserve to be raised by two parents unless one of them is deceased. If you can't live with the person that you are making a child with, don't make a child with them.  Period.  Sex is not a toy, it's a tool.  Don't be fooled by what the media feeds you about sex. Misusing it can bring heartache not only to you, but everyone around you. Your parents, children, siblings, and even friends may pay the price because you couldn't control yourself.

Rule #7 - Talk so that people can understand you and you don't offend someone unintentionally.  Your slang and obscene language does not belong in the public forum. If you want to be treated with respect, you have to speak to others with respect.

Rule #8 - Find ways to make the world a better place.  This is not the same for everyone.  You may make a big difference by starting a huge philanthropy, but most people won't.  You can still make a small difference for someone.  Smile at someone, take your neighbor a treat, mow someone's yard when they may need it, drive someone to an appointment when they can't drive themselves, make a meal for someone that is sick.  You get the idea.  Just find someone to serve, and do it.  If we all did one thing a day to make another person's load a little lighter, think of the difference that would make in the world, not to mention the difference it makes in the heart of the giver.

Rule #9 - Use self-control.  This kind of goes along with #3 and #6, but it deserves to be mentioned on it's own.  We live in a world that has trouble controlling themselves.  They say what they want to say and do what they want to do.  That is why we have people that go into public forums and start killing people. But that isn't where it starts.  It starts by not controlling our thoughts.  Thoughts lead to words.  Words lead to actions.  Sometimes thoughts skip the words part and go directly to actions.  Control your thoughts.

Rule #10 - Set an example.  Be the kind of person you want others in the world to be.  Fix how you need to be fixed rather than trying to fix everyone else. If your sibling or child were to become just like you, would that be something to be proud of? I don't mean perfect.  None of us are perfect, but getting better everyday, and making choices that will help you succeed. Set a good example.

Rule #11 - Tell the truth.  If you do, you will be trustworthy.  If you say you will be somewhere, be there.  If you say you will do something, do it.  If you say you believe in something, live it.  I call it integrity.  It is lacking in our society.

Rule #12 - Be self-reliant.  Don't expect others to take care of you or provide your needs.  Don't expect gofundme to do it.  Don't expect the government to do it. Don't expect your parents or your children to do it.  If you want something, it is up to you to get it. That includes food, clothing, a place to live, your education, your medical care, everything.  It is your responsibility, and no one else's.  Some people may choose to help others, but they should not feel that they need to because of your decisions or situations.  You have to plan for emergencies yourself.  You have to be responsible.  It means buying insurance of all types, saving money for times that you will need it, etc. Life doesn't always go as planned, and we need to be prepared for that.

I'd love to hear some that you think should be added to the list. I am still learning, so over time, I may add some as well.  Thanks for reading.

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