Sunday, October 1, 2017

Lessons from Elizabeth Smart

Today while having a discussion with a friend about issues they are going through, the Lord reminded me of Elizabeth Smart and a conversation that she had with her mother after she returned home.  Just as a matter of review, Elizabeth was abducted from her bed when she was 14 years old, held captive by a man who raped her on a daily basis, and was recognized after 9 months of captivity and finally reunited with her family.  Her situation applied to my friend's current situation, and it may apply to yours as well.  Let me explain.
Upon returning home, Elizabeth's mother said to her something like this; "This man has taken 9 months of your life.  Don't give him another day." People do things to hurt us.  They make our lives miserable, they abuse us, they torment us, they injure us.  In spite of that, the time they have in your life is limited to the time in the future that you are willing to give them. When you think of them, hurt because of them, don't achieve all that you can because of what they have done to you, you are giving them more of yourself than they have already taken by force.  Don't do it.  Make their injuries to your life part of your past, not your future, not your present.  The most hurtful thing that can happen to them is that you achieve all that you were intented to achieve. Instead, use that experience to reach out and help others. Be understanding, help others going through similar situations, but don't continue to be their victim.
I wish I was as wise as Lois Smart.  I'm not, but when I hear advice like that, at least I realize the wisdom in it.  If you are a victim of another person to any degree, don't give them another minute.  They don't deserve it, and you deserve to live your life without the pain they caused.  Instead, find someone to help. Find someone who needs an understanding ear and a shoulder to cry on.  Find someone who is struggling in ways you struggled. Give support, give kindness, give compassion. It will lead you to a peace that cannot be found in other ways. You may even find that the suffering you endured was not as bad as what others have gone through.
Today Elizabeth Smart is an articulate speaker who empowers girls to see that they have worth, no matter what others may do to them.  She may have never done that without her experiences. You may never do what you were destined to do without your suffering either.  You can also become much, not in spite of your experience, but because of it.

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