Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Living Will and Medical Power of Attorney

Within the first 48 hours of being in the hospital, the doctors asked me if Richard had a living will and medical power of attorney.  Thankfully we had both.  The trick was to find it. When I finally went home for the first time, the list of things that I needed to do and files I needed to get seemed overwhelming.  I did find them, but I recommend that you get both and know where they are. It was such a stressful time.  Knowing where those things are is just one less thing to have to worry about.

I can't tell you how many times I used that medical power of attorney over the next couple of years.  It was so easy to use!  All I had to do was sign my name and write beside it "POA." Most people never asked for the documentation, but I had it in case I needed it.  I kept it on my iPad in a dropbox folder.

As for a living will, many times I have heard people talk as if you know what the outcome will be when you are making life decisions.  The truth is, you don't.  When you are making major life decisions on whether a family member will receive medical care or not, you have no idea how it will turn out if you decide to permit medical care.  They could end up in a vegative state or they could lead a fairly normal life, and it could be anywhere in between.  I really don't know how people do it if they don't make it a matter of prayer.  I believe the the Lord hears and answers my prayers.  It was through the answers I received that I was able to make the decisions that I made.  I hope that you don't have to be put in the position to make such decisons, but if you are, I hope that you are able to pray about it and receive answers. It would be very difficult to do that all of a sudden if prayer were not an everyday part of your life.  Fortunately, it is a part of ours, and has been since we were married. Therefore, it was not strange or uncomfortable for me to go to the Lord in prayer about the situation that I was in. However, I do have to admit that my prayers were more intense during this time.  They were longer.  They were more heartfelt, and many times they were used in conjunction with fasting. I have seen miracles happen when I have fasted multiple times in my life, so I know that it is something I can rely on. If it is not so for you, and you would like to know how to get there. let me know.  I will be happy to help you on your spiritual journey the best that I can.

In any case, see an attorney. Get a medical power of attorney and a living will.  Hopefully you will not need it, but if you do, you will have it.

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