Tuesday, May 30, 2017

A review of injuries

At this point, I think it would be helpful to review the injuries that Richard had because of the accident.  We did not know about all of them right away, and some took a month or so to surface.

  • Loss of sight in the left eye caused by compartment syndrome which killed the optical nerve. (There will be a post about this later.) 
  • Right hand broken in two places
  • Left leg broken all around the knee.  The femur above the knee and both bones in the calf as well.  The knee was completely open and has had to be reconstructed.
  • Trumatic brain injury with pretty significant frontal lobe damage
  • right ankle was almost completely taken off.  The doctor told me the day of the accident that he was going to remove it.  After talking to me, he decided to try to save it.  He still has it, but it has been a long road with MRSA infections, etc.  He wears an orthotic to support the ankle, and eventually, it will have to be fused.  
  • left arm was broken through below the elbow.  He sustained a very large impact to that arm that has killed the muscle tissue. There will be a post just on this arm in the next few posts.  
  • damage to both lungs, which collapsed during the impact.
  • damage to the diaphragm, which was torn by the air escaping form the lungs.
  • Multiple ribs were broken, which caused the damage to the lungs.  

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