Sunday, December 28, 2014


I am a 55 year old female living in Las Vegas, NV.  I was born in central Florida.  I was educated in Florida and Utah mainly but have also taken graduate level classes in New Mexico, Georgia, and Nevada.  I have a bachelor's degree in elementary education and I have taught and/or subbed in five states. My husband is currently disabled, but he was formerly an electrical engineer.  He worked mostly in the nuclear field. I have been to every state in the United States except Alaska, and have spent considerable time in many of them.  Because of the variety of places I have lived and visited, I have learned quite a bit about life, money, people, and compassion.  I would like to share some of my experiences with you so that you can hopefully learn from my experiences as well.  I learn best by stories.  I am  hoping that the stories I have to share will help you to grasp some of the things I have learned in my life.  My goal is not to preach to you, but to teach through my experiences.  If you are interested, I would love to share them with you.  

1 comment:

  1. Great blog / journal for the New Year 2015. Thanks for sharing!
