Friday, August 4, 2017

Essential Oils

I had no idea that essential oils could be used in the areas in which Richard has needs. (ADHD, Autism, PTSD, TBI, Anxiety, sleep issues, etc.)  I am finding that not only are they effective, but they are also inexpensive, especially when you consider that you don't need to make and keep doctor's appointments in order to get them. I am continuing to experiment with different oils, and to learn about them, but so far we have tried lavender on Richard's big toes at night, as well as diffusing it in the air, and he has been sleeping better.  I just found this article:

which talks about using frankscense to help with brain injuries!  Who would have thunk it! (I couldn't resist, it is something my father would have said!) He can even put a drop on his mustache so that he can breathe it all day!  How cool is that?

I am still experimenting, but it is an avenue I hadn't tried before. If you have any suggesions of specific oils for things we could use, please share, especially if you have personal experience with them working.  I can't wait to see what you come up with!

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