Monday, February 16, 2015

Life long learning

Today I had brunch with a former student.  She contacted me almost four years since I last saw her.  She was twelve then.  Now she is a young woman who is smart and beautiful.   I am grateful that she took time out of her trip to Vegas and her life to share a meal with me. She said something that touched my heart.  She said that she didn't remember too much about elementary school, but she remembered GATE. She remembered some of the units that we did there.  She remembered the chocolate unit and the electricity city unit.
One of the best parts of my job teaching gifted kids was that I got to learn something new every day.  The kids taught me something or I had to research something for a topic they chose or something every day.  I am not longer forced to do that because of my job.  Now I do it because I love doing it.  I love learning.
It doesn't matter how old you get, you have things to learn, lots of things.  I read non-fiction a lot, but sometimes I have to go back and reread a book I've read.  Sometime it takes more than one time reading something for it to sink in.  I like that kind of reading because it makes you think. Thinking is good.  It is exercise really for the mind. We can learn so much by reading nonfiction books.  I love them.  I always have.
Becoming a life long learner is something that I am pretty proud of. It takes a little effort for sure, but it is such a blessing to be able to learn things.

“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.” 
― Albert Einstein

“All I have learned, I learned from books.” 
― Abraham Lincoln

“You'll never know everything about anything, especially something you love.” 
― Julia Child

Keep reading.  Keep learning.

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